
New Years' Report VII

Things started out a bit foggy (thanks Meg and Lou) at Breckenridge Saturday morning - the last day of 2005. It didn't help that things didn't turn out all that hot at the bottom of lift whatever a the base of Breck during our arrival; it took about 20 minutes to get on the chair. Welcome to Summit County Colorado.
Things got better from there on out though. Chair 6 runs were goin off, Horseshoe Bowl, Ore Bucket area; all were just loaded with really fun snow that seemed to not track out as fast as I thought for how many people were scanned.
Apparently, my digi cam was not playing well with me, or maybe it was the other way around. I failed to take any pictures due to a low battery issue on my $50 best eBay purchase ever. Sorry folks. I'll get back to Breck one of these days to take pictures of the famous Imperial Bowl super quad lift (over-rated, sorry it had to be said).

I almost forgot...
Sunday and Monday were both spent back at the home mountain of Winter Park. Not much new snow to report except for the fact that the foggy routine continued. Yea, continued in my brain. It was not fun driving 2 hours the day after new years - if you know what I mean. Also no pictures were taken because I didn't figure out that the cam crapped out until I got home from the 3 day weekend. Not to worry though, Telluride is coming up next. Please check back soon.

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